Ministries of Christ Church


Open Hearts Cafe/Dinner Church

The Café opens at 5:30pm on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesdays of each month (except Holidays) in Fellowship Hall. This free meal, worship, and fellowship are an outreach to our community, as well as our church family, and is part of our Fresh Expressions Ministry.

Mission Groups

United Women of Faith

The UWF support the church and community through service, fundraising, spiritual care, and education. They gather monthly for a luncheon at 1pm on the 4th Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall. Sub groups meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry at Christ Church has expanded its community outreach, thanks to the generous support from congregation members and the local community. It provides groceries to over 10,000 people annually. The Silvis Food Pantry at the Silvis Campus (1301 2nd Avenue, Silvis, IL) distributes groceries on Monday and Tuesday from 9am - 1pm, and on Wednesday from 3pm - 6pm. At the East Moline Campus in the Family Life Center, pantry hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am - 12pm.


CARE Ministry Team

The purpose of the CARE Ministry team is to provide spiritual care, physical healing referrals, support and fellowship during times of healing and grief.

Prayer Ministry Team

By offering personal prayer for the needs and people of the church, prayer team members become spiritual warriors ready to take up the armor of Jesus on behalf of the church.

Please call the church office if you are interested in becoming a part of the Prayer Ministry Team.


The Wesleyan’s provide Christian fellowship for adult church members, meeting at 6pm on the 3rd Saturday monthly in the Family Life Center Classroom.


Our next Course runs January 23rd- March 24th. GriefShare uses a 13-week curriculum and meets every Thursday from 1:30-3:00 in the Family Life Center classroom. All are welcome to begin attending at any time. It doesn’t matter how much time may have passed since the death of a loved-one. Grief is a journey that often takes months and sometimes years.


Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir sings twice a month at the 8:30am service at the East Moline Campus. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday nights at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join this group!

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir plays each third Sunday during the 8:30am service at the East Moline Campus. Practices are held each Wednesday at 5pm.

Common Threads

Common Threads leads the 10:00am contemporary service on Sundays. They rehearse at 6pm on Wednesdays in the sanctuary. This contemporary Christian band is always looking for new members.

The Called

This all-male southern-gospel singing group sings one Sunday a month. They also sing for special events throughout the year.


United Marriage Encounter

UME exists to help good marriages become even better, putting them on a road to transformation that leads to stronger Christian families and stronger Christian communities. To find a weekend retreat near you, check the website at

Bluegrass Gospel Jam

For all who love bluegrass music (whether to sing, play an instrument or to listen). The goal is to promote the gospel through bluegrass-styled music. We meet at the church every 3rd Sunday from 1pm until 4pm. The group is open to all skill levels, in the Family Life Center Classroom.


Come and learn how to play pickleball each Tuesday at 6pm, and Thursday at 6:30pm in the Gym at the Family Life Center. This sport combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. A paddle and wiffle ball are served over a net. The game is designed for two or four players.

Silvis Community Garden

If you love to garden, join us in taking care of a plot in Silvis. We help supply fresh vegetables to each Food Pantry.


GriefShare uses a 13-week curriculum and meets every Thursday from 1:30-3:00 in the Family Life Center classroom. All are welcome to begin attending at any time. Some people repeat the class because of its beneficial and well-written content. It doesn’t matter how much time may have passed since the death of a loved-one. Grief is a journey that often takes months and sometimes years.

Mai Tae Kwon Do

Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5pm in the Family Life Center Gym.


Boy Scouts – Meet every Thursday at 7pm in Fellowship Hall.

Cub Scouts – Meet the 3rd Tuesday at 6pm in Fellowship Hall.

Girl Scouts – Meet every other Thursday at 5pm in the Family Life Center Classroom.


The Wesleyan’s provide Christian fellowship for adult church members, meeting at 6pm on the 3rd Saturday monthly in the Family Life Center Classroom.

QC Emmaus

The Quad Cities Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program that develops Christian disciples and leaders among men and women. Check out the website at for more information.


Good Sheep Sunday School

This class meets the first Sunday of every month at 9am in classroom #12, and specializes in adults with special needs. There is Bible-share, crafts and more! We join in Communion in the Sanctuary the first Sunday of each month. Volunteers to assist with this group are always welcome.

Adult Sunday School

Subject matter varies depending on season and series. Offered at Silvis Campus in the Library at 10:15 am, and East Moline room #12 at 8:30am and 10am.

Children’s Sunday School

K-5th graders are welcome to attend the Sunday School class at 10:30am in room #27 – lower level at the East Moline Campus.

Nursery Ministry

The Nursery is open for all children under age five and is located on the main floor in room #9 at the East Moline Campus. Please sign your child in upon entering the church.

Youth Sunday School

6th-12th graders are welcome to attend the weekly Sunday School class at 10:30am in The Lounge (Room #4) at the East Moline Campus.